
western discoveries cornwall walking holidays

Western Discoveries

Western Discoveries is a family-run company in Cornwall focused on hiking vacations in Cornwall along the Southwest Coast Path. They provide fully customizable trips based on your preferences for duration, average daily distance, and price. You can also narrow your route based on comfort, fine dining, mines and monuments, and Poldark (my personal favorite). Wallet […]

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footpath walking holidays england britain hiking

Footpath Holidays

Footpath Holidays is a family run British company offering the best prices and selection for walking holidays in Great Britain. They offer self-guided, guided options and customized group tours. Wallet Friendly Visit Website Local Operator no badge yet Review of Footpath Holidays Website Footpath Holidays could use an updated site but it is fairly easy

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camino de santiago sign walking holidays pilgrimage

Follow the Camino

Follow the Camino is based in Ireland and focuses entirely on pilgrimage inn to inn hiking routes (caminos). Their primary focus is the Camino de Santiago, for which they create personalized self-guided trips and match you with your own camino planner. They offer packaged itineraries for other caminos, such as the Via Francigena, St. Francis

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walking holidays adventure travel exodus


US based Exodus Travels is one of the largest adventure companies in the world. You may also recognize their sister company Headwater, which offers the same self-guided itineraries. Among their many offerings, Exodus provides self-guided inn to inn hiking and center-based walking vacations in Europe, the Caribbean and the UK. For guided trips, you can

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eurohike walking holidays austria


Eurohike is part of the larger Eurofun Touristik, an Austrian based company offering self-guided or guided inn to inn hiking and center-based walking and cycling trips all over Europe. The company actually dates back to 1991 when they first offered cycling tours in Austria Wallet Friendly and Mid Range Visit Website Large Operator no badge

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cornwall england encounter walking holidays

Encounter Walking Holidays

Encounter Walking Holidays is a small UK company based in Cornwall focused  on self-guided walking holidays in Wales and the United Kingdom’s southwest region. All trips are customized for each client so you won’t find detailed trip itineraries on their site. This is the kind of company that may intimidate beginners but excites walking holiday

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active travel walking holidays country walkers

Country Walkers

Active US travelers will most likely be familiar with Country Walkers, one of the largest US based walking adventure companies in the world. They offer a small selection of self-guided and guided trips in Maine, Montana, Washington, Utah and Vermont, as well as a smattering of countries around the world. They are a luxury travel

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Distant Journeys

Distant Journeys is a US based company specializing in guided and customized self-guided hiking vacations, most of which are in the European Alps and the UK but also include Japan and Maine (US). Not to be confused with a UK company that shares its name, this company was founded by two women. They and many

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bulgaria walking holidays traventuria


Traventuria is a local tour operator in Bulgaria with a fairly large team. They offer self-guided, guided and center-based trips as well as winter sport packages, birdwatching, and day tours based in the capital city of Sofia. If you see another walking holiday company offering trips in Bulgaria, chances are they’re contracting with Bulgaria Traventuria.

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port town in canada

Bootprints Hiking Tours

Bootprints Hiking Tours is a small Canadian company offering guided and self-guided hiking tours in Nova Scotia, Cape Breton and Newfoundland Canada. There are only a few trips and most are self-driving or guided, with one inn to inn hiking trip in Nova Scotia being the exception. Services provided are very basic. They take care

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