Meet the Trailblazer of Inn to Inn Hiking in Colorado

We can count on one hand the number of inn to inn hiking routes that currently exist in the US and one of them is in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Designing a new trail that connects reliable lodging is a challenge in any country but it’s especially difficult in America. It takes an intrepid spirit with a lot of imagination and determination, which is why we like to celebrate the trailblazers who have the audacity to dream it, design it and keep the route open.

Meet Colorado’s inn to inn hiking creator


Phebe Novic is the designer of the Walter Tishma Way, a 42 mile inn to inn hike that connects Estes Park to Allenspark. She and her husband David named this trail after a man from St. Louis, who hiked one of the peaks in this route at least 100 times. The Novics operate this route through their company Footpaths of the World, one of the companies we review and recommend here on our site.

Like us, Phebe and David have experienced the European style of inn to inn hiking and they are passionate about promoting this form of travel to Americans. We’ve been avid fans for years ever since we discovered their site, so it was an honor to have the chance to ask Phebe some questions.

When did you create the Walter Tishma Way?

Phebe: Around 2003

What prompted you to create the route?

Phebe: My husband and I owned a large outfitting store and did trips to Nepal and Europe as well. At some point we hiked the Coast to Coast in England by ourselves and loved it. I realized I could link some inns together here in Rocky Mountain National Park and do something similar. It was just a concept that I used for some amateur writing I did for the newspaper. The B&B people encouraged me to actually do it.

How much work goes into creating and maintaining an inn to inn route?

Phebe: Unless there is an established route that hits inns along the way, this is a very time-consuming and difficult process in the US. Even if the trail takes you to lodging, there’s no guarantee that the lodging is good or has what you need for food, etc. It took me four years to feel comfortable putting people out there. I could do it faster now that I understand much more about it. Still after all these years, I constantly tweak due to lodging and food.

What advice would you give to someone trying to develop a new inn to inn hike?

Phebe: Your route/trip should include the following:
  • Good trails
  • Solid lodging that offers food and beverages and a warm welcome at the end of the day
  • A strong sense of place

What do you like about inn to inn hiking?

Phebe: Inn to inn or walking holidays are the best. Walking is a good stress release. It’s wonderful to spend time on the trail with friends and family – lots of time to talk. You can eat more!!

Do you have a favorite inn to inn or walking holiday?

Phebe: My first inn to inn was the Coast to Coast in England. I’ve done it twice. I love hiking in France as trails, food and culture abound.  
crested butte colorado walking holiday

Walter Tishma Way

How to get there:

What to expect:

  • 5 night trip includes lodging, breakfast, sack lunches, one dinner, daily luggage transfer, trekking poles, maps and route guide
  • Cost is $1140 per person
  • 8-10 miles per day at high elevation (8,800-10,300 ft) with elevation gains ranging 1,500-2,600 ft
  • Shorter trips also available
  • Lodging used on this route includes Blue Door Inn, Alpine Trail Ridge Inn and Allenspark Lodge

We LOVED Allenspark Lodge, it's a true Colorado experience! Cozy hangout, friendly owners and guests, delicious hearty breakfast...and bears. The owners told us not to leave any food in our car overnight because bears would attack it to get to the food. They weren't kidding, we saw bears roaming around the parking lot our first night!

Read our review of Footpaths of the World, a great choice for inn to inn hiking in Colorado.

New to walking holidays?

Start here to learn about walking holidays – what they are, inn to inn hiking vs. center-based, how they differ from hiking, how to find the best company and what to pack for a walking holiday.